Social Health Growth Ltd (“SHG”) has been supplying diapers and milk powder to our beneficiaries since 2012. Our beneficiaries are constantly facing monetary issues and they do not have sufficient monies to purchase these necessities.
We have recently introduced a subscription plan for donors who wish to make single / monthly donations to our beneficiaries. Please refer to our subscription plan hereinbelow for more details: -
Daily Beneficiary Benefitting Monthly Yearly
$50 10 $450 $5,200.00
$100 40 3800 $45,000.00
$150 60 $9000 $105,000.00
$200 80 $16,000 $190,000.00
$250 100 $25,000 $297,000.00
We will also provide NTUC vouchers to beneficiaries who are not residing within the vicinity of our centre. Concurrently, we will also supply diapers and milk powder to them too.
Below are some of the payment methods to aid you in making donations to SHG: -
1) SHG Webpage:
2) Give.Asia:
3) Simplygiving:
4) Benevity:
(For UK, US, Canada, International Donor)
6) Give2Asia:
7) Other donation methods include Paypal, PayNow, ChinaUnionpay, WeChatpay, Alipay, Grabpay.
Thank you.
Your Sincerely,
Social Health Growth Ltd
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